In The Name Of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful



Pemuda UMNO buat laporan polis

KUALA LUMPUR 5 Dis. – Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO hari ini membuat laporan polis berhubung dakwaan DAP, Keadilan dan beberapa pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) bahawa UMNO merupakan sebuah parti perkauman.

Wakil pergerakan itu, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahalan (gambar) berkata, dakwaan tersebut menyebabkan orang awam melihat UMNO sebagai sebuah parti anti kaum bukan Melayu dan mempunyai niat jahat terhadap penganut bukan Islam.

‘‘Situasi ini harus dihentikan serta-merta agar ia tidak menimbulkan unsur hasutan dan berbaur perkauman,’’ katanya ketika ditemui di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Dang Wangi di sini hari ini.

Menurutnya, tindakan mereka yang turut mengembar-gemburkan isu itu di Parlimen, media massa, Internet dan blog juga telah memburukkan lagi keadaan.

‘‘Saya berharap polis dapat mempertimbangkan laporan ini kerana kenyataan susulan pihak pembangkang mempunyai unsur fitnah jenayah.

‘‘Isu ini timbul kerana mereka hanya memetik beberapa ayat daripada keseluruhan ucapan dalam Perhimpunan Agung UMNO,’’ katanya.

Honestly I would say, it's really a laughing stock. When you say that UMNO is not a racist party, I do not believe it, at all.

Simply say, if the party is not racist, then why called it United Malay National Organization ? Isn't the name, is fine enough, to show that the party is a racist party, why subjecting the objectives of the party to only one race ?

Secondly, if it is not a racist party, then why was the PAU 2006 looked racist ? People like Khairy Jamaludin with his new Malay agenda kept on with his bad mouths about the non-Malays.

Third, in dated 20th November 2006, there was an article entitled 'Pak Lah, take responsibility for Umno’s racism'. So, it is not any kind of 'fitnah' or baseless accusation at all. If it is so, then why does the Premier himself agreed with the stance that UMNO is racist?

As what I can see, with or without the police report, the end should be the same, 'coz it is a fact, not just another hype of accusation.

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