In The Name Of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful


Janji Palsu Ka ?

Assalamualaikum. Sudah agak lama tidak menulis di dalam bahasa Melayu.

Hari ini sambil-sambil 'surf' internet sekitar media-media alternatif Malaysia, penulis terjumpa akan satu link yang amatlah menarik sekiranya dikongsi.

Di dalam link tersebut terdapat satu gambar, gambar yang secara terang-terang tentang janji Pak Lah ketika pilihanraya 2004.

Sekarang, mari kita kupas satu per satu isu-isu yang dijanjikan oleh Pak Lah.

'More oppurtunities', ataupun lebih peluang bagi sektor pendidikan, keusahawanan dan pekerjaan. Terjadikah perkara ini? Dari sektor pendidikan, peluang mungkin dapat ditingkatkan, tetapi nyata sekali kualiti universiti-universiti tempatan tidak memberangsangkan.

Lihat sahajalah akan Universiti Malaya yang terkeluar daripada senarai 'Top 200 Universities' baru-baru ini. Bagaimana sebuah universiti tempatan yang boleh dikira high-class kerana 'it's long standing in the arena of education' tiba-tiba tidak dapat memasuki 'ranking' tersebut, semuanya setelah berlaku peralihan kuasa, lebih-lebih lagi apabila kampus-kampus dipengaruhi agenda aspirasi yang sengal.

Sektor pekerjaan ? Anda yakin pekerjaan semakin banyak ? Saya tidak. Mungkin, pada dasarnya dengan kenaikan Bursa Malaysia yang agak memberangsangkan, kenaikan peluang pekerjaan itu mungkin sekali berlaku. Namun sayangnya, tidak. Memang pada dasarnya Bursa Malaysia meningkat, namun peningkatan itu hanya menguntungkan bagi syarikat-syarikat yang besar, 'the big corporates'. Anda tanyalah mana-mana golongan marhaen professional, penjual-penjual kereta sama ada mereka untung ataupun tidak? Kebanyakan mereka pasti akan mengatakan tahun ini (2006) tidak begitu baik bagi penjualan mereka.

Sebab ? Apabila GLC disatukan, apabila GLC dijual, memang secara 'overall'nya keuntungan itu ada, tetapi itu hanyalah bagi pemegang saham, bagi kerajaan sendiri. Bukannya pekerja, kerana apabila berlaku merger, penjualan syarikat, sudah tentu akan berlaku VSS ataupun apa-apa cara untuk mengurangkan jumlah pekerja, untuk mengurangkan kos 'merger' ataupun jual beli.

'Personal Safety' (Keselamatan individu) pula bagaimana ? Dengan semakin banyak isu pembunuhan saban hari. Kes Altantuya. Kes ayah bunuh anak kerana Ah Long. Kes rogol. Kes hilang laptop di sekitar Kuala Lumpur. Adakah ianya berkurangan ? Tidak sama sekali. Tidak sama sekali. Terbaru kes tembak di kepala (baca Utusan Melayu bertarikh 13 Disember 2006). Apakah ini seiring dengan janji-janji Pak Lah? Tidak sama langsung.

'Enforcement' yang konon-kononnya ditingkatkan, memang ditingkatkan. Namun ianya ditingkatkan ketika mana golongan marhaen memerlukannya, seperti kes Surau Kampung Berembang. Seperti Bloody Sunday suatu ketika dahulu. Di dalam hal-hal seperti itulah 'enforcement was increased'.

Demokrasi yang lebih matang. Haha, gelak sahajalah. Mana tidaknya, undang-undang yang lebih rimba daripada undang-undang terdahulu. Suatu undang-undang di mana seorang manusia yang bergelar Perdana Menteri Malaysia, tidak boleh dikritik sama sekali. Hatta yang mengkritik itu bergelar Tun, dan merupakan bekas Perdana Menteri. Sampai begitu sekali. Bukan setakat itu, Sang Kelembai juga, walaupun hanya kritikan sedikit pedas, namun tup-tup, terus menjadi perbincangan Majlis Tertinggi. Itu baru seorang ahli yang boleh dikira agak veteran di dalam 'web logging'.

'A Clean, Efficient Government'. Lagilah tak percaya. Sebab ? Lihat sahaja index rasuah yang baru-baru ini di'set up'. Betapa teruknya Malaysia.

Cluster analysis of the BPI results groups countries that exhibit similar behaviour in terms of their companies’ propensity to bribe abroad. As the differences in scores between adjacent countries on theranking are small, this analysis provides further material with which to interpret and understand the results.

This analysis produces four clusters (or groups) of countries. Cluster 1 comprises the countries from which companies are least likely to bribe when doing business abroad, and cluster 4 comprises those that are most likely to bribe, according to the BPI 2006.

Cluster 1: Switzerland, Sweden, Australia, Austria, Canada, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, US, Japan

Cluster 2: Singapore, Spain, United Arab Emirates, France, Portugal, Mexico

Cluster 3: Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, South Africa, Malaysia

Cluster 4: Taiwan, Turkey, Russia, China, India.

It is important to note that although cluster 1 represents the best performers of the 30 countries, the results of the BPI highlight that companies from all countries in the survey show a considerable propensity to pay bribes. Countries in the top clusters should therefore not view this as an endorsement of their companies’ behaviour.

Once there are several comparable iterations of the BPI, these clusters will allow changes in the countries’ ratings to be tracked across time.

'Third cluster from 4'. Agak-agak, teruk ke tidak ? Cukuplah sekadar itu dahulu sebagai appetizer buat kali ini. WasSalam.


Peringkat-Peringkat Isteri

[Original post by at]

Isteri Siddiqin

Isteri yang tidak akan meminta apa-apa dari suaminya sekalipun yang perlu
(dharuri). Apa yang disediakan suaminya, dia terima dengan penuh malu dan
bersyukur. Kalau ada, adalah. Kalau tidak ada, dia bersabar. Tapi meminta
tidak. Apatah lagi yang tidak perlu, kalau diberi pun dia tolak bahkan
adakalanya yang perlu pun dia tolak dengan baik, dia lebih suka menolong
suaminya. Itulah golongan yang bersifat orang yang Siddiqin.

Golongan ini payah hendak dicari terutama di akhir zaman ini, macam hendak mencari belerang merah atau gagak putih. Ini adalah perempuan luar biasa.

Isteri Muqarrobin

Isteri yang tidak meminta dari suaminya kecuali yang perlu sahaja. Yang
tidak perlu dia tidak akan memintanya bahkan kalau suaminya memberi yang tidak perlu dia tolak dengan baik. Tapi kalau yang diperlukan pun tidak
ada, dia tetap sabar. Namaun dia tidak akan mendesak suaminya. Dia tetap
bersabar dengan keadaan itu. Itulah golongan Muqarrobin. Golongan ini juga
susah hendak dicari di zaman kebendaan ini, di zaman orang memburu dunia, di zaman orang memandang dunia adalah segala-galanya.

Isteri Solehin

Isteri yang meminta kepada suaminya yang perlu dan juga sekali-sekala
meminta juga yang tidak perlu seperti ingin sedikit kehidupan yang selesa
sama ada dari segi makan minum, tempat tinggal, kenderaan. Namun kalau
suaminya tidak memberi, dia tetap sabar dan tidak pula menjadi masalah.
Itulah dia golongan orang yang soleh.

Isteri Fasik

Isteri yang selalu sahaja meminta-minta bukan sahaja yang perlu, yang tidak perlu pun dia suka meminta-minta juga. Kalau diberi pun tidak pernah
puas-puas, tidak pernah rasa cukup, sudah mewah pun tidak rasa cukup. Kalau tidak diberi menjadi masalah, dia merungut-rungut, marah-marah, sakit hati, merajuk hingga menjadi masalah dalam rumah tangga. Inilah dia golongan yang fasik. Isteri ini selalu sahaja derhaka dengan suami,apatah lagi dengan Tuhan.



Pemuda UMNO buat laporan polis

KUALA LUMPUR 5 Dis. – Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO hari ini membuat laporan polis berhubung dakwaan DAP, Keadilan dan beberapa pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) bahawa UMNO merupakan sebuah parti perkauman.

Wakil pergerakan itu, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahalan (gambar) berkata, dakwaan tersebut menyebabkan orang awam melihat UMNO sebagai sebuah parti anti kaum bukan Melayu dan mempunyai niat jahat terhadap penganut bukan Islam.

‘‘Situasi ini harus dihentikan serta-merta agar ia tidak menimbulkan unsur hasutan dan berbaur perkauman,’’ katanya ketika ditemui di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Dang Wangi di sini hari ini.

Menurutnya, tindakan mereka yang turut mengembar-gemburkan isu itu di Parlimen, media massa, Internet dan blog juga telah memburukkan lagi keadaan.

‘‘Saya berharap polis dapat mempertimbangkan laporan ini kerana kenyataan susulan pihak pembangkang mempunyai unsur fitnah jenayah.

‘‘Isu ini timbul kerana mereka hanya memetik beberapa ayat daripada keseluruhan ucapan dalam Perhimpunan Agung UMNO,’’ katanya.

Honestly I would say, it's really a laughing stock. When you say that UMNO is not a racist party, I do not believe it, at all.

Simply say, if the party is not racist, then why called it United Malay National Organization ? Isn't the name, is fine enough, to show that the party is a racist party, why subjecting the objectives of the party to only one race ?

Secondly, if it is not a racist party, then why was the PAU 2006 looked racist ? People like Khairy Jamaludin with his new Malay agenda kept on with his bad mouths about the non-Malays.

Third, in dated 20th November 2006, there was an article entitled 'Pak Lah, take responsibility for Umno’s racism'. So, it is not any kind of 'fitnah' or baseless accusation at all. If it is so, then why does the Premier himself agreed with the stance that UMNO is racist?

As what I can see, with or without the police report, the end should be the same, 'coz it is a fact, not just another hype of accusation.


To Cover or Not To Cover ?


"Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan yang beriman supaya menyekat pandangan mereka (daripada memandang yang haram), dan memelihara kehormatan mereka; dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka kecuali yang zahir daripadanya; dan hendaklah mereka menutup belahan leher bajunya dengan tudung kepala mereka; dan janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka melainkan kepada suami mereka, atau bapa mereka atau bapa mertua mereka atau anak-anak mereka, atau anak-anak tiri mereka, atau saudara-saudara mereka, atau anak bagi saudara-saudara mereka yang lelaki, atau anak bagi saudara-saudara mereka yang perempuan, atau perempuan-perempuan Islam, atau hamba-hamba mereka, atau orang gaji dari orang-orang lelaki yang telah tua dan tidak berkeinginan kepada perempuan, atau kanak-kanak yang belum mengerti lagi tentang aurat perempuan; dan janganlah mereka menghentakkan kaki untuk diketahui orang akan apa yang tersembunyi dari perhiasan mereka; dan bertaubatlah kamu sekalian kepada Allah, wahai orang-orang yang beriman, supaya kamu berjaya. " [An-Nur : 31]

TheStar dated 5th December 2006 wrote an article about the strict women dressing law in Kelantan,


MPKB: Cover up or else

KOTA BARU: Women working in retail outlets and restaurants in Kelantan have been warned to mind their dressing or be prepared to face a fine.

The Kota Baru Municipal Council (MPKB) has announced that it would “no longer tolerate indecent dressing” by women, both Muslim and non-Muslim.

Public relations officer Mohd Azman Daham said that under local council by-laws women who “dressed sexily or indecently” could be fined up to RM500.

“Such outfits are prohibited here as it smears the reputation of Kota Baru and affects its status as an Islamic City,” he said in an interview.

He added that although punishment for indecent dressing was in place under the by-laws, it had not been totally enforced.

“But now, MPKB will no longer tolerate skimpy outfits, following mounting complaints from the public,” Mohd Azman said, adding that under the by-laws, women working in retail outlets should wear decent clothes.

Council enforcement officers, he added, would step up checks in various localities.

Mohd Azman said MPKB would focus on “suspicious areas”, especially the shopping malls in Taman Hijau, Taman Uda and Taman Tengku Anis here.

The council had received complaints from ratepayers that certain shop assistants and waitresses here donned sexy outfits, supposedly to woo more male customers.

Under the standard dress code here, a Muslim women has to be covered until the ankles and wear a tudung. Non-Muslim women are required to wear decent clothes.

Tight-fitting tops and pants were not allowed, even for non-Muslims, Mohd Azman said.

Mohd Azman said under the council by-laws, the owners of retail outlets who employed indecently dressed workers could also be fined.

If the offence was repeated, the council could suspend the business permit of the outlet, he added.

State Local Government Committee chairman Takiyuddin Hassan said the state had not taken any tough action yet as, the MPKB had been more involved in generating awareness about proper attire.

“We define proper attire as wearing respectful clothing,” he said.

“We apologise to non-Muslims if this comes across as harsh but we must respect our Asian culture and religion in public.”

He noted that “eye-popping” outfits invited undesirable attention.

He urged the people to co-operate, especially those in the retail and restaurant businesses.

Trader Che Suraya Hulaimi Sulaiman, 32, supported the council's move, saying: “Almost everywhere there are retail assistants or waitresses wearing sexy clothes.

“This is an insult to Islam.”


At the same time, TheStar also wrote another article,


Shahrizat: Dress code is disrespectful and undermines women’s capabilities

KUALA LUMPUR: The latest dress code ruling in Kelantan is disrespectful and undermines women’s capabilities.

Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil said she is appalled at the no sexy clothes ruling in Kelantan.

The state government, she said, should instead focus on how it can help the development of women instead of concentrating on flimsy issues such as dress codes.

“Why are they focusing on dressing issues when they should be thinking about how they can help women in Kelantan excel and develop fur ther, both in education and entrepreneurship?” she told The Star at the Parliament lobby Tuesday in commenting on its front-page report.

The Kota Baru Municipal Council had warned that both Muslim and non-Muslim women working in retail out lets and restaurants in Kelantan should take note of their dress ing or risk being fined.

The council said it would be conducting spot checks and women who flouted its guidelines could be fined up to RM500, Several women's organisations reacted with outrage.

Shahrizat said creating such a ruling will in the end back-fire on the Kelantan government.

“In the end, Kelantanese women will object to it," she warned.

“It is so disrespectful to the women there. The ruling makes it seem like women cannot decide for themselves what they should or should not wear and need the government to help them decide.

“It just goes to show what kind of government they are.”


Well, I honestly believe that Datuk Seri Shahrizat Jalil (DSSS) is partially wrong there. IMHO, I do not see, in any way at all, the law looks disrespectful to women. Just few weeks ago, there were discussions in Parliament ( if I am not mistaken ) about foreign tourists marking Bukit Bintang as a prostitute-part of KL, or something like that. Looking from that point of view, I believe that this law is quite important in order to remove such views and thinkings from the foreign tourists.

Malaysia, as we know it, is a country full of tradition, specifically The Eastern Culture. Somehow, due to what people call as 'globalisation', Malaysians are becoming more and more revealing themselves. From baju kurung with tudungs, the young Malay feminines are starting to dress like the Westerners, some even on short pants and baby-Tees, all in the name of globalisation.

For me, there is no such thing as globalisation in this aspect. Culture is something we should be proud of. Wearing such fancy things means that we are slowly eradicating the culture from the deepest of our hearts. One might say "Well, even with these dress, I still know, and love my culture. Never will I forget them". To know your culture is a thing. To love your culture is a thing. To be proud of your culture is also a thing.

Eastern cultures never taught us to wear fancy baby-Tees, revealing the upper part of the torso and the tummy. Eastern cultures never taught us to wear dress that are sexually appealing. The more we become like that, the more sex-city we are becoming. That is why the code was introduced, to further ease on issue of Malaysia having a sex-city. Imagine if the code is implemented in the whole nation, that issue would have probably be gone, or better still, never went out from anyone at all.

Do someone need to dress in a sexually appealing condition to outperform or overachieve something? For sure not, unless the person is a sex slave, a prostitute.

If we go to a microchips fabrication factories, there are stricter dress code. Every worker must wear a full-body suit while working. The idea is to remove, at any costs, probabilities of any germs, bacterias to infect the microchips and degrade it, if not making it unusable at all. The end result? Microchips with high-end technology with superb capabilities in helping humans achieve outstanding objectives. See there ? The effect of properly-dressing, no sexual-appealing dress at all ?

So, why not implement such concepts to the commons ?


Applause and Liberation

"So this is how democracy ended. With applauses" kata-kata Senator Padme Amidala dalam Star Wars III ketika mana Chancellor Palpatine mengumumkan tentang pengambilalih kuasa daripada Senator kepada kuasa sepenuhnya oleh Chancellor Palpatine sendiri.


NSTP, Utusan merger on

The merger between New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd (NSTP) and Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd is believed to be ongoing while operationally, a few major changes are expected to take place.

Following a series of meetings over the weekend, the parties involved are believed to have come up with another “workable and acceptable'' plan that Utusan Malaysia and possibly some profitable publications of the Utusan group will remain as they are.

In view of the tradition and identity built up over the years as well an existing market for Malay papers, the Utusan publications will be sold nationwide and will maintain an independent editorial stance, sources said.

It is believed that the Utusan group is for the merger is targeted at helping the Utusan group save millions in its operations. This is when it can pool physical resources such as bureaus, offices and printing plants with NSTP, which publishes Berita Harian, Harian Metro and a few others.

It is understood that other cost-cutting measures and divestments are also being considered, while the shareholders will be briefed of the latest operational plan today.

Under the corporate exercise, it is believed that Umno would emerge as a major shareholder in the new holding company that will own and publish The New Straits Times, Berita Harian, Harian Metro, Utusan Malaysia and others.

Trading in NSTP and Utusan shares was suspended on Friday, pending their separate announcements of material transactions to be made known today.

The expected merger is expected to lead to a share swap with a new company that will be listed on Bursa. Umno, currently the major shareholder of Utusan, will swap its Utusan shares in the newco and thus become a substantial shareholder in the new holding company.

At the end of the exercise, NSTP and Utusan will be delisted.

Umno currently owns about 50.5% in Utusan via RHB Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd; the Finance Ministry has 6.9%. Media Prima, which owns several TV stations and recently bought three outdoor advertising companies – Big Tree Outdoor Sdn Bhd (70%); UPD Sdn Bhd and The Right Channel Sdn Bhd, owns 43.3% of NSTP.


Jenuh gak kepala hari ini berfikir, mengapa perlunya untuk Utusan dan NSTP bergabung? FYI (salah satu bahasa mIRC dan instant messaging yang membawa erti For Your Information), kedua-dua Utusan dan NSTP merupakan akhbar milik kerajaan, sepertimana yang diketahui umum.

Termasuk hal ini, 2 aktiviti 'merger' besar dijalankan selepas PAU 2006 (Perhimpunan Agung UMNO ya, bukan kuih PAU =) ). Selain daripada kes ini, the other merger is the merger of Golden Hope, Guthrie and Sime Darby by Khazanah Nasional through PNB. I wonder if this merger (Utusan & NSTP) is also a 'product' of Khazanah Nasional.

Looking at that point, it seems that Khazanah Nasional is making a big step upon Malaysia's future economy. Andai kata Khazanah Nasional memegang kesemua syarikat-syarikat ini, maka dengan senangnya Khazanah Nasional boleh mentadbir kesemua syarikat untuk menguntungkan lagi depa.

Still, the coin have 2 faces, the head and the tail. Pentadbiran baru ini, sekiranya benar, mungkin juga beerti Khazanah Nasional boleh 'mentadbir' untuk menguntungkan diri mereka sahaja, seperti mana rumours tentang isu penjualan saham Pantai Holdings.

Alright, now we come to the main issue. Why the merger? As what I see through my own naked eyes, the merger could be one thing : 'Mass media manipulation at its peak in Malaysia'. As what I've wrote earlier, both the newsgroups are owned by UMNO. However, the owners, though from the same ships, are different people.

If, this merger succeeds, for sure one have to go. Either the Utusan's or NSTP's side. With this, what I see is a big probability for KJ to yet unleash his power by controlling almost all media power in Malaysia.

With this, we could see Utusan's new face from liberty to bureaucracy, where every 'hot' issues must be seen by KJ's man. Honestly, I am pretty sure many will agree to me that between all NSTP's newspapers and Utusan Melayu, the liberty, freedom of speech, is much higher in Utusan Melayu. Even the New Straits Times and Berita Harian can't really say a thing right now. Don't believe me? Read the past news article on the issue of Universiti Islam Antarabangsa's Student Representative Council Election. If my mind remembers correctly, there were some wrongs in the article by Berita Harian about UIA SRC's election. Yet, Utusan dared its tounge to speak the truth.

With these merger, I am currently expecting the voice of Utusan to be silenced. Well, hopefully that is not true. After all, Datuk Ruhanie Ahmad is one of Utusan's Board of Directors.


Rufaqa' as in deviant group?


Lama benor tak post kat sini. Almaklumlah, bz ngan final paper sejak last post.

Majoriti akhbar harian hari ini dan semalam giat menyiarkan tulisan dan berita tentang Rufaqa' dan Al-Arqam.

Apa yang penulis tahu, Al-Arqam ini dikatakan sesat, ataupun lebih tepat lagi, fasiq, lari dari ajaran Sunnah Wal Jamaah. Kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut, go to this site, sebab dalam post ini, penulis hanya hendak menguraikan apa yang terbuku di minda penulis.

Penulis sebenarnya agak hairan dengan sikap kerajaan. Asbabnya ? Rufaqa' telahpun lama ditubuhkan, dan mempunyai beberapa kepentingan ekonomi. Antaranya bandar County Homes itu sendiri, beberapa projek destinasi pelancongan, dan juga, bagi peminat-peminat nasyid tanah air, Mawaddah.

Contoh, bandar County Homes, merujuk pada gambar di bawah, menyatakan bahawa Rufaqa' Corporation telahpun giat aktif di dalam bidang ekonomi sejak akhir 90an, selepas Ashaari bin Muhammad dimasukkan ke dalam ISA.

Kalau dikira-kira balik, kerajaan mengambil masa lebih 5 tahun untuk detect pergerakan Rufaqa' sebagai Al-Arqam, a.k.a ajaran sesat. Mengapa begitu lama? Untuk menjatuhkan Anwar Ibrahim pada satu ketika tidaklah memakai masa sebegitu lama, walaupun cerita demi cerita perlu direka untuk menutup lubang. Tapi, sebuah pertubuhan yang giat aktif, sah, punyalah susah untuk dikesan sama ada mereka mengamalkan ajaran sesat atau tidak.

Apa yang bermain di fikiran penulis, mungkinkah semua ini hanyalah lagi satu lakonan sandiwara politik Malaysia semata-mata? Ataupun lebih tepat lagi, sandiwara orang tertentu di dalam kerajaan?

Jika dilihat kembali, andai kata Rufaqa' dijatuhkan sah sebagai agama sesat, maka tentu semua perniagaan mereka akan disita oleh kerajaan. Kalaulah begitu, siapalah yang untung agaknya ek? Sudahlah dengan Proton yang mungkin sekali akan dijual 51% sahamnya, kemudian dengan penggabungan 3 syarikat di bawah naungan PNB, yang di bawah jagaan Khazanah Nasional, yang di bawah bulu ketiak orang lulusan Oxford di tingkat 4 Putrajaya. Semuapun mereka nak bolot.

Kalau macam ni gayanya, bilalah agaknya Malaysia nak hidup ? Bursa Malaysia dah lepas dah 1000, tapi pakar runding ekonomi, dan juga golongan professional di Malaysia masih lagi mengatakan tiada nampak akan keuntungan itu pada pihak mereka, kerana semua keuntungan itu dibolot oleh sesetengah-sesetengah orang sahaja.

Zaman Che Det dulu, ada la jugak lahir watak-watak ekonomi (lagi-lagi Bumiputra) yang baru macam Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli, Tan Sri Halim Saad. Kini, di mana mereka semua selepas kejatuhan ekonomi? La, mano pi pengganti-pengganti depa di alaf 2000 ni, sejak pemerintahan Pak Lah ? Ke yang ada tu asik-asik muka sama.....